OpenTitus Wiki

The official IDE is Eclipse. Get it here:

Version Control:

The Version Control is currently DropBox.

Dropbox is the dumbest, simplest version control there is. It's merely a shared folder. whatever changes you make will update everyone else and the server.

instructions: (Ubuntu)

  1. Get & Install dropbox from
  2. select "I already have a Dropbox Account"
  3. Logon Details:
    username -
    password - (contact us for password)
    local alias - choose freely
  4. Local Dropbox Directory: Either Let it be on the home folder, (Default)
    or, choose a different name for the Directory, e.g. OpenTitus
  5. Wait until Dropbox finishes, then you may begin. Notice the Dropbox icon. when you see a green V, it means you're synced.

Please do not post very large files (> 50mb), or it will clog the communication

Compilation method:

